Hylocomium splendens

Hylocomium splendens XXXXXX (Hylocomiaceae)
Stairstep Moss
Its name says it all

Distinguishing Features

This is one of the most abundant mosses in our region, sometimes forming large carpets on the forest floor. It takes its name from its growth form, with its wide lacy shoots appearing as one or more horizontal “steps” above the substrate. Each step represents one year of growth. The stem is reddish, and the branches and leaves are yellowish-green to dark green.

Similar species

Pleurozium schreberi also grows as carpets, but it is less finely branched, and does not “step”. Thuidium is also much-branched, but does not step.



Associated species

Kindbergia oregana, Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Pleurzozium schreberi, Dicranum scoparium, Plagiothecium undulatum and other forest floor species.